Jun 19
Shemax.com- Sexy Blonde Cock Temptress-Mo
Shemax.com- Sexy Blonde Cock Temptress-Mo
![Shemax.com- Sexy Blonde Cock Temptress-Mo Shemax.com- Sexy Blonde Cock Temptress-Mo]()
![Shemax.com- Sexy Blonde Cock Temptress-Mo Shemax.com- Sexy Blonde Cock Temptress-Mo]()
![Shemax.com- Sexy Blonde Cock Temptress-Mo Shemax.com- Sexy Blonde Cock Temptress-Mo]()
![Shemax.com- Sexy Blonde Cock Temptress-Mo Shemax.com- Sexy Blonde Cock Temptress-Mo]()
Of all the girls I shot on this trip I think I have thought about Mo the most. Is it the blonde hair, that slim sexy body, those exotic eyes, those big sexy lips, or that beautiful big cock; nigh I think it is the whole package. This cute little girl knows how to pose for the camera; either that or she liked me, I`m not sure as there was not a lot of talk. To my webmasters dismay I had forgot to ask most of the models to smile but Mo is showing her pearly whites in a lot of the pics. She is lucky to have gleaming strait white teeth as a lot of the girls do not have great teeth and as a result are shy about smiling. When she first unsheathed her tool I was thinking oh oh small cock but was I surprised to see it grow and grow. It turned into to a long thick curving sausage relative to her small slim body. When jerking she likes to lay back and close her eyes, I suppose imagining having sex with her dream date. I`m not sure how much of the video we are going to show but I could not resist jumping in several times to help things along. I must have spent half an hour propped on my elbows and knees over her while we French kissed. While I did this she opened her eyes wide and writhed about under me as she jerked both our cocks with each of her hands. I had no intention of cuming as Fon was coming back to spend the night but could not resist; so the first load you see on her stomach is mine which seemed to inspire her to a minute leaky cum. This was obviously quite an effort for her as you can see she just lay there for quite a while.
After all it was 4:30 AM and who knows how many times she had had sex that day. I suspect a lot because I was passing by Lita bar all night and I did not see her. In fact in the three days I was in Pattaya staying right next door at the Jasmine I could not help see who was working at Lita Bar. At first staying right next to Lita Bar seemed like a good idea. But being half a block off Walking Street they do not get the traffic of Blue Ice and Jenny Star. As a result the girls seem somewhat sad and desperate and took to taking verbal shots at me as I walked by 5 or 6 times a night with different ladyboys. I didn`t really care as according to the girl that was with me they were saying stuff like \he`s a fucker\ which truthfully I am. I did not like actually stopping and chatting or having a drink when I had no intention of taking one of them home. The crest fallen look on there poor little faces when I explained that I had other plans was too much to take. So I took to walking swiftly by and simply nodding hello. On that night though which was my last in Pattaya I was retuning to the hotel for what I thought was the last time to wait for Fon who would show up every night (or I guess morning) at 3-4 AM to sleep with me. It had been a long day and night starting with a great shoot with Joy. Things went straight downhill from there. The Joy shoot ended at about 10 PM and the Mo shoot began at 3:15 AM. What happened in between? Well I`ll tell you it is a photographer`s worst nightmare: models who change there minds (or don`t understand what you are asking them to do).
I took back no less than three girls in this time only to find out that they did not want their pictures on the internet. I know English is not their first language but then I suppose they should not nod yes when I say \do you understand?\. The first one was the really skinny huge titted girl from Blue Ice who nodded when I said, \pictures OK?\. So I was surprised when we got back to the room and she said after seeing my lights that she did not want the pictures on the internet because of her boyfriend in England. I really wanted to shoot this girl so I spent a while trying to convince her that it was OK and he would likely not see and even if he did who cares. I mean for Christ sake they are hookers fucking falangs all night long. If I am taking their picture as opposed to having sex with them and paying them well is this not better? Apparently not, I tried to communicate this in as nice a way possible and then she said well my boyfriend does not know I`m ladyboy. Even though my jaw was on the floor I somehow managed to ask if she had had sex with her boyfriend and she said yes. I gave each word distinct emphasis when I asked, \how does he not know you are ladyboy when you have sex with him?\. She said, \I know how so he not know\. Rather than trying to explain the ridiculousness of this to her I simply thanked her for coming and off she went. I was close behind to look for another girl and stopped in to Lita for a chat with the ones sitting outside. I was trying to decide which one when the freelancing creature that I had been trying to connect with for three days walked up.
My attention quickly turned to this tall super slim and sexy girl with butterfly sized eyelashes. She was wearing a strip of tied cloth as a halter, a long brown slitted skirt and it appeared nothing else. I had spoken to her at least twice before and I was sure I had asked if pictures were OK. The Lita bar girl next to me explained that this one would have to leave no doubt they did not like her stealing customers without paying a bar fine. She also whispered something about this one taping her breasts or something. I figured she was just looking for a ways to get me to not go with this girl but the writing was on the wall. So off we went the 10 feet to my hotel. We walked slowly arm in arm both savouring the anticipation of knowing you will soon be alone with someone you want. Once in the room we chatted for a while and were getting along until I picked up my camera. She then disavowed any knowledge that she had agreed to pictures. If I was smart I would have simply apologized and asked her to leave. Instead I began what would end up being an hour and half of wasted time. She clearly wanted to have sex with me (and I with her) so I thought I would be able to use this to my advantage. I arrogantly thought I could charm her into changing her mind. But it was like circling around where you want to park looking for a spot; the circles get bigger and bigger. She eventually caught on as she said, \all you talk about is picture, picture, picture\.
We were both naked caressing and kissing on the bed save that strange halter that she was constantly adjusting under which I could see that she had her breasts taped up, I supposed to make them look bigger. Fon called and asked when I would be done so I finally said OK this can go no further until she commits to taking pictures. I even got her to talk to Fon on the phone but this did no good. She looked quite sad but left anyway. The funny thing is she raised no sensible objections like boyfriends or internet; she simply said that she has never had it done. As I learned the hard way she obviously wanted to keep it that way but I still do not understand why. I said I would not show the few pictures I managed to take but I am anyway as the price of her wasting my time. Fon called me back and said she had another girl who was willing to take pictures. I really didn`t think I needed help as I had never had this problem with two girls in a row so I thought it was impossible that it could happen again. But I went and met Fon anyway and she took me to Blue Ice. She introduced me to a girl I already knew and was eager to work with, Noon formerly of Club 131 now with nice new big breasts.
I always liked Noon with her many facial piercings and tattoos on her long slender frame. She has always seemed interested in me as I would often run into her in unusual places like the bus station during the day. So I was sure that she wanted to go with me. Yet I had seen her the night before and kind of felt as if she had blown me off. Passing by I saw her and several others preening for curious onlookers standing around Blue Ice obviously not understanding how these sexy creatures could really be men. I had not seen her in several months so I approached her to say hello. She said that she remembered me and chatted briefly before saying \go into my bar to have drink\ and walked away. Instead I went and got girls not from Blue Ice and each time made sure she saw me take them back to my hotel and each time I gave her a knowing smile and a curt nod. I don`t think she was even aware that she had slighted me yet my previous nights display seemed to have the desired effect as she seemed rather eager to go with me this night. I made sure that I said pictures OK for the internet and she nodded in agreement. So I thought I was gold as I walked back with this stunning girl.
Once in the room though she asked would her boyfriend see the pictures in England and asked if I could block the site from that country. As it was almost 3AM and I had no fight left in me I just said no and it was up to her of she wanted to do this. She chose not to and so within 5 minutes she was gone. I decided I needed a beer or twelve at this point so I followed her until the store. Beers in hand I walked back towards the Jasmine with no intention of talking to another ladyboy until Fon showed up for the night. As I passed Lita Bar I gave it a wide berth not wanting to draw any more verbal fire. However what came bolting out from the bar was a site for sore eyes. It was the sexy blonde Mo who I had never seen before coming toward me with her white toothy smile contrasting with her dark skin and huge exotic eyes. As bad luck comes in threes and not fours I just new that this was going to work out just fine. So she simply nodded her acquiescence and off we went the remaining 7 feet to the Jasmine entrance.
File Name : 28-sexyblondecocktemptress-hdv.wmv
File Size : 0.16 GB / 163.55 MB / 171 495 589 bytes
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:05:31
Download Screenshots:
UbiqFile:28-sexyblondecocktemptress-pichi.zip - 12.9 MB
Download VIDEO:
UbiqFile:28-_yblondecocktemptress-hdv.wmv - 163.6 MB

Of all the girls I shot on this trip I think I have thought about Mo the most. Is it the blonde hair, that slim sexy body, those exotic eyes, those big sexy lips, or that beautiful big cock; nigh I think it is the whole package. This cute little girl knows how to pose for the camera; either that or she liked me, I`m not sure as there was not a lot of talk. To my webmasters dismay I had forgot to ask most of the models to smile but Mo is showing her pearly whites in a lot of the pics. She is lucky to have gleaming strait white teeth as a lot of the girls do not have great teeth and as a result are shy about smiling. When she first unsheathed her tool I was thinking oh oh small cock but was I surprised to see it grow and grow. It turned into to a long thick curving sausage relative to her small slim body. When jerking she likes to lay back and close her eyes, I suppose imagining having sex with her dream date. I`m not sure how much of the video we are going to show but I could not resist jumping in several times to help things along. I must have spent half an hour propped on my elbows and knees over her while we French kissed. While I did this she opened her eyes wide and writhed about under me as she jerked both our cocks with each of her hands. I had no intention of cuming as Fon was coming back to spend the night but could not resist; so the first load you see on her stomach is mine which seemed to inspire her to a minute leaky cum. This was obviously quite an effort for her as you can see she just lay there for quite a while.
After all it was 4:30 AM and who knows how many times she had had sex that day. I suspect a lot because I was passing by Lita bar all night and I did not see her. In fact in the three days I was in Pattaya staying right next door at the Jasmine I could not help see who was working at Lita Bar. At first staying right next to Lita Bar seemed like a good idea. But being half a block off Walking Street they do not get the traffic of Blue Ice and Jenny Star. As a result the girls seem somewhat sad and desperate and took to taking verbal shots at me as I walked by 5 or 6 times a night with different ladyboys. I didn`t really care as according to the girl that was with me they were saying stuff like \he`s a fucker\ which truthfully I am. I did not like actually stopping and chatting or having a drink when I had no intention of taking one of them home. The crest fallen look on there poor little faces when I explained that I had other plans was too much to take. So I took to walking swiftly by and simply nodding hello. On that night though which was my last in Pattaya I was retuning to the hotel for what I thought was the last time to wait for Fon who would show up every night (or I guess morning) at 3-4 AM to sleep with me. It had been a long day and night starting with a great shoot with Joy. Things went straight downhill from there. The Joy shoot ended at about 10 PM and the Mo shoot began at 3:15 AM. What happened in between? Well I`ll tell you it is a photographer`s worst nightmare: models who change there minds (or don`t understand what you are asking them to do).
I took back no less than three girls in this time only to find out that they did not want their pictures on the internet. I know English is not their first language but then I suppose they should not nod yes when I say \do you understand?\. The first one was the really skinny huge titted girl from Blue Ice who nodded when I said, \pictures OK?\. So I was surprised when we got back to the room and she said after seeing my lights that she did not want the pictures on the internet because of her boyfriend in England. I really wanted to shoot this girl so I spent a while trying to convince her that it was OK and he would likely not see and even if he did who cares. I mean for Christ sake they are hookers fucking falangs all night long. If I am taking their picture as opposed to having sex with them and paying them well is this not better? Apparently not, I tried to communicate this in as nice a way possible and then she said well my boyfriend does not know I`m ladyboy. Even though my jaw was on the floor I somehow managed to ask if she had had sex with her boyfriend and she said yes. I gave each word distinct emphasis when I asked, \how does he not know you are ladyboy when you have sex with him?\. She said, \I know how so he not know\. Rather than trying to explain the ridiculousness of this to her I simply thanked her for coming and off she went. I was close behind to look for another girl and stopped in to Lita for a chat with the ones sitting outside. I was trying to decide which one when the freelancing creature that I had been trying to connect with for three days walked up.
My attention quickly turned to this tall super slim and sexy girl with butterfly sized eyelashes. She was wearing a strip of tied cloth as a halter, a long brown slitted skirt and it appeared nothing else. I had spoken to her at least twice before and I was sure I had asked if pictures were OK. The Lita bar girl next to me explained that this one would have to leave no doubt they did not like her stealing customers without paying a bar fine. She also whispered something about this one taping her breasts or something. I figured she was just looking for a ways to get me to not go with this girl but the writing was on the wall. So off we went the 10 feet to my hotel. We walked slowly arm in arm both savouring the anticipation of knowing you will soon be alone with someone you want. Once in the room we chatted for a while and were getting along until I picked up my camera. She then disavowed any knowledge that she had agreed to pictures. If I was smart I would have simply apologized and asked her to leave. Instead I began what would end up being an hour and half of wasted time. She clearly wanted to have sex with me (and I with her) so I thought I would be able to use this to my advantage. I arrogantly thought I could charm her into changing her mind. But it was like circling around where you want to park looking for a spot; the circles get bigger and bigger. She eventually caught on as she said, \all you talk about is picture, picture, picture\.
We were both naked caressing and kissing on the bed save that strange halter that she was constantly adjusting under which I could see that she had her breasts taped up, I supposed to make them look bigger. Fon called and asked when I would be done so I finally said OK this can go no further until she commits to taking pictures. I even got her to talk to Fon on the phone but this did no good. She looked quite sad but left anyway. The funny thing is she raised no sensible objections like boyfriends or internet; she simply said that she has never had it done. As I learned the hard way she obviously wanted to keep it that way but I still do not understand why. I said I would not show the few pictures I managed to take but I am anyway as the price of her wasting my time. Fon called me back and said she had another girl who was willing to take pictures. I really didn`t think I needed help as I had never had this problem with two girls in a row so I thought it was impossible that it could happen again. But I went and met Fon anyway and she took me to Blue Ice. She introduced me to a girl I already knew and was eager to work with, Noon formerly of Club 131 now with nice new big breasts.
I always liked Noon with her many facial piercings and tattoos on her long slender frame. She has always seemed interested in me as I would often run into her in unusual places like the bus station during the day. So I was sure that she wanted to go with me. Yet I had seen her the night before and kind of felt as if she had blown me off. Passing by I saw her and several others preening for curious onlookers standing around Blue Ice obviously not understanding how these sexy creatures could really be men. I had not seen her in several months so I approached her to say hello. She said that she remembered me and chatted briefly before saying \go into my bar to have drink\ and walked away. Instead I went and got girls not from Blue Ice and each time made sure she saw me take them back to my hotel and each time I gave her a knowing smile and a curt nod. I don`t think she was even aware that she had slighted me yet my previous nights display seemed to have the desired effect as she seemed rather eager to go with me this night. I made sure that I said pictures OK for the internet and she nodded in agreement. So I thought I was gold as I walked back with this stunning girl.
Once in the room though she asked would her boyfriend see the pictures in England and asked if I could block the site from that country. As it was almost 3AM and I had no fight left in me I just said no and it was up to her of she wanted to do this. She chose not to and so within 5 minutes she was gone. I decided I needed a beer or twelve at this point so I followed her until the store. Beers in hand I walked back towards the Jasmine with no intention of talking to another ladyboy until Fon showed up for the night. As I passed Lita Bar I gave it a wide berth not wanting to draw any more verbal fire. However what came bolting out from the bar was a site for sore eyes. It was the sexy blonde Mo who I had never seen before coming toward me with her white toothy smile contrasting with her dark skin and huge exotic eyes. As bad luck comes in threes and not fours I just new that this was going to work out just fine. So she simply nodded her acquiescence and off we went the remaining 7 feet to the Jasmine entrance.
File Name : 28-sexyblondecocktemptress-hdv.wmv
File Size : 0.16 GB / 163.55 MB / 171 495 589 bytes
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:05:31
Download Screenshots:
UbiqFile:28-sexyblondecocktemptress-pichi.zip - 12.9 MB
Download VIDEO:
UbiqFile:28-_yblondecocktemptress-hdv.wmv - 163.6 MB
TAGS: POV, Small Tits, Masturbation, Pretty Face, Straight Hair, Thin, Blondes, Long Hair, Teens, Bedroom
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