int porn Β» New site rip video Β» Morning in the life of a Human Toilet Morning in the life of a Human Toilet Morning in the life of a Human Toilet Morning in the life of a Human Toilet

I just woke up with the urge to shit so I rush to my toilet. My human toilet is still asleep under my trone so I wake him up. It sit down on the toilet to empty my full asshole. A big quantity of shit comes out of me. I shit 2 hard logs first and then soft disgusting stinky shit comes out and cover my slaves face.
I feel so relieved I talk about how pleasant it is to shit and his face when my ass is so full. I pee on his face. I humiliate him a little and talk about his fate at a human toilet as some more shit falls on his face. I wipe my butt and let the paper fall on him. I tease him by rubbing my feet on his penis. The poor toilet has no right to touch himself or have any kind of pleasure in my presence he is only my toilet after all
When I get too annoyed by the terrible smell I get up and leave the room until next time
*** I speak French in this video
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Je viens de me reveiller avec une forte envie de chier. Je me depeche daller rejoindre ma toilette qui dort sous mon trone dans sa position, car il arrive souvent que jai besoin de me vider au petit matin.
La merde sort, dabord 2 morceaux plus durs et ensuite de la merde molle et puante qui couvre une bonne partie de son visage. Que cest bon je me vider dans ta sale gueule Je pisse sur lui et dautres petits morceaux de merde continuent a sortir de mon anus. Je messuie le cul et laisse le papier tomber sur son visage.
Je continue a parler du plaisir dutiliser ma toilette. Je lhumilie un peu et lui parle de sa vie miserable de toilette humaine. Je lagace en frottant mes pieds sur son sexe. Le pauvre na pas le droit de se toucher et davoir du plaisir en ma presence, il nest que ma toilette apres tout
Quand jen ai assez de lodeur terrible je me leve et quitte la piece jusqua une prochaine fois
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